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Understanding the Different Treatments for Sleep Apnea

Understanding the Different Treatments for Sleep Apnea

It’s just a bit of snoring, right? Why would you get treatment for a problem you’re not even awake to experience? 

What most people don’t realize about sleep apnea is that it’s much more than a snoring problem. Sleep apnea is a significant sleep condition that makes it nearly impossible to get a good night’s sleep, which triggers an avalanche of headaches, concentration difficulties, and mood changes that affect your day. 

In addition to fitful nights and disturbed days, sleep apnea may also lead to other health problems, ranging from high blood pressure and heart problems to type 2 diabetes and weight gain. 

That’s why Dr. Ryan Fait and our team at Southern California General & Cosmetic Dentistry, located in Long Beach and Avalon, California, include sleep apnea treatment in our comprehensive list of services. Here’s a closer look at how we can help you take back your health by getting a handle on sleep apnea.

Oral appliances

One of the easiest ways to address the most common causes of sleep apnea is with an oral appliance like a night guard. Night guards reposition your jaw and keep your airway free and unrestricted, allowing you to breathe easily all night. 

To create your oral appliance, we begin by taking a detailed impression of your teeth that we reproduce into a plaster mold. Then, we form the device around the mold. That ensures that your device fits perfectly in your mouth, providing both comfort and relief. 

Breathing machines

Depending on your needs you may benefit from either a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) or bi-level positive airway pressure (BPAP) machine. Both regulate nighttime breathing by relaxing soft tissues in your airway and pushing steady streams of air through a mask. If that is the case, we team up with local medical specialists to get you access to the breathing machine you need.

Lifestyle adjustments and other treatments

Oral appliances and breathing machines aren’t the only ways to treat sleep apnea. There are lifestyle adjustments and simple strategies that make it easier to breathe while sleeping. 

For example, consider your weight. If you're overweight, the fat deposits along your upper airways can restrict airflow and prevent your breathing muscles from doing their job. Losing even a little bit of weight loss can take the pressure off your airways. 

You may also consider:

Switching up your sleeping position and trying to sleep on your side instead of your back can go a long way in helping you breathe at night, as well. 

Nearly 22 million people have sleep apnea — 80% have gone undiagnosed and untreated. Don’t be one of them. Call or click to schedule a consultation with Dr. Fait and get started with treatment today.

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